What is the Man Thinking?


7 responses to “What is the Man Thinking?”

  1. expatpowerlifter Avatar

    Excellent poll! That description sounds like somebody who wants to put in the minimum amount of effort…or they are dull. Either way, to be avoided…


  2.  Avatar

    Great poll! I used to often think he had deep thoughts that were just hidden and would emerge at some point. But that never turned out to be the case.


    1. Jean Grey Avatar

      What did you discover then?


  3. Jon Masters Avatar

    There are givers and takers in the world. You, Jean, sound very much like a giver. Most women who, at least mentally, feel the joy of submission are givers by definition. This fellow sounds like a taker. He doesn’t sound like he contributes anything to the conversation. My suggestion? Politely ask him what the hell is going on and why doesn’t he respond more? My experience has been that women often are judge, jury, and executioner of a man before he’s every been given a chance to reply. “Well, he should have known.” No, he’s a guy. Most guys get subtle hints like a bear learns to waltz.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jean Grey Avatar

      😂 like a bear learns to waltz. 😂

      Well, ive asked once or twice and i don’t do anymore. It feels naggy to repeat.


  4.  Avatar

    He might be thinking about things on a very deep and mysterious level, I hope one day you’ll be pleasantly surprised !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jean Grey Avatar

      Hmm… I certainly hope so! 🙂


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